Have you got what it takes?

Life is simple, right!?


Why does procrastination still exist?  Why do we hold grudges? Why is it hard to forgive? Has this labelled 'lazy' generation already crushed their childhood dreams to chase mediocrity?  All these questions floated around my mind on a Thursday afternoon, during a talk with Chris Lubbe...the late Nelson Mandela's Body Guard and close friend. How random...

The uphill climb

Chris shared many stories with a small group of us that afternoon. But what stood out the most was the how much he and Mandela had to persevere daily whilst living in South African, during the Apartheid. Being on the run from the police with a price in his head, Chris experiencing repetitive racism and discrimination, to the point where he was hospitalised countless times.

The fight to live, the fight to survive. The battle to thrive.

Where do we go from here...

Although Nelson Mandela is no longer here physically, his legacy of spreading forgiveness still lives on through the people he touched the most. People like Chris Lubbe, people like myself and you that are touched by his diligence. It got me thinking about one of the quotes Chris showed us which said, "If you think your too little to make a difference, think of a mosquito".

Anthony. .
