Mind Over Matter

Views from the 6,
 I guess I be drake-in,
because haters on my tail must have gotten me mistaken, 
for a,
 make shift meek mill,
who likes to squeal in the face of danger,
quiet the contrary however,
 battling with my endeavors,
 to do and be better....

Talking with the windows of my soul,
respecting my OG's and the knowledge they bestow,
on to me,
  so you can see,
what stand before you and not your clouded reality.

In actuality move tactically,
you know,
patience before pain,
will power before plight,
dropping jewels on the disregarded like falling autumn conkers,
 in the deceptive midst of darkness.

If you don't ask,
 you wont find,
and finding without seeking is like talking without speaking,
crying without weeping,
praying for change every Monday's to only sin on the weekend.

Knowing this,
what is the solution I propose,
 follow your inner instinct with and follow your own.

The catch 22 of life is that,
 most will fail to recognize a healthy mind state equates knowledge with power,
not money with lust and desire,

Stevie didn't have to see to believe she was lovely,
he just believed you see,
simple as ABC but misunderstood like sides of Jackson,
and the phenomenon  of the weave,
difficult to understand and even harder to pull off with ease,

steady pondering the paths before me,
and where they may lead,
the future is a lock in time yet to be discovered,
stimulating your mind is THE KEY.

Don't open the door before you take the key...for its key...
