#MotivationModay TonyTypes

Getting motivated to start a week can be difficult at times for all of us. But one key message you need to remember before you start your day is, WHY are doing what you are doing? Why did you wake up 5am in the morning to rush to work, or to get to that job interview? Ask yourself this question. Go on! The reason you give, acts as the ignition in your inner being to bring your action into reality. For example on I got up early to be the first person in the my local library because I wanted to ace my exams. Simple. My why gave me strength, my why gave me hope, my why meant that no matter what type of emotional state I was in, my principals kept me in check. Many motivation speakers, on social media often say "the five people you are around the most, are reflection of your success", hinting to the view that your social group can determine your success. I take the saying a step further...

Your online social group, in the form on communicating with friends, watching videos, re-tweeting, posting, listening to music, control your motivation level. Why do you think people listen to Dub-step music in the gym? To transition their mental state from feeling the pain to abiding by their inner principle of going 'all in' for their workout. This idea was very much influenced by Eric Thomas (E.T. who posts motivational video every Monday.Check him out. Make the rest of your Monday the best of your Monday. 

I leave you with two messages by west coast rapper Kendrick Lamar. 
Share & enjoy.Peace. 

Anthony. .

E-mail: mr.t.k@hotmauil.com 
