A New YOU!


What does it mean to you? Merely being ‘happy’, being financially stable, being stress free. From my own encounters with people in my 19 years of life, this seems to be the general idea. But within the midst of a technological revolution, with more people on the planet competing for fewer job opportunities, the gap between the rich and the poor widening year on year globally, how we perceive positivism must adapt too right?

What is the problem? 

Since western hemisphere has evolved around the chasm of capitalism, modern day happiness for many city dwellers has become escapism – a conscious or subconscious action to remove oneself from reality – in an attempt to spare sanity.

The fact that people find the need to escape, in itself shows that humanity is struggling to survive with the modern conditions we are confined to. Hence we are just existing?


The most disheartening idea is that most people do not know that they have even succumbed to this...

This links to self awareness and the idea that people’s senses can be dulled over time if limited to only knowing one environment. Does a fish know it’s in water? Do we ever consider that we are species on a huge rock held in the time by the SAME gravitational force you overcame today by getting out of bed in the morning? Most of us do not question reality until we are shown a mirror of what are environment has, and is causing us to think feel and do.

Find your mirror
The important take home message from this is that none of us are perfect. This however does not prevent us from striving to be the best version of ourselves, and implementing strategies to make sure we stay on track. Find your mirror.

That thing that will force you to change for the better, realise your current problems, and turnaround those negatives into positives. Music. Poetry. Sport. Creativity. A greater appreciation of nature.

 Are you the type of person to see a rare rose growing from the concrete and pick it from the ground, in an attempt to capture its beauty. If the answer is yes, haven’t you seen what you have just done? By wanting to appreciate the flower you removed it from its source of life, ground.

Sometimes we do this to ourselves when we mean no harm, putting ourselves down before we have attempted it. Think about it. Those, ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I don’t know how to’ dogmas build up like plaque in the mind, making it harder to remain positive about our own abilities.

YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH. ‘Can’t’, should not be in your vocabulary when it comes to ranking your capabilities.
Is the glass half empty or half full? Would your best friend say you are an optimistic or pessimist? Become the positivist! Tomorrow does not exist yet and past events cannot be obtained. Human BEINGS work in the present, to BE positive in the present today. As the past is only but a figment of your imagination and today is the foundation for tomorrow. So be..........Positive!

Anthony.  .

A special thanks to jmoney of G.U.A.P. for inspiring this piece. Check out the podcast! 
