#BibeBreakDown - How Do I manage God's Gifts?

Whether young or old there comes a time where we all eventually find the gift we have. The one or several talents that make us who we are in the world and give us something to live for.When we have overcome the challenge to find this gift, the next challenge in life is to know how to manage the gift and use it for good purposes. Easier said than done.

1 Peter 4:7-8 tells us that "The end of all things is near. You must be self-controlled and alert at all times and be able to pray. Above all things, love one another earnestly because love covers over many sins."
As followers of God, all at different stages in our relationship with Him, understanding firstly that our gift we possess and ourselves are one, and not two separate entities. If drawing, acting, preaching, teaching, caring is your God given talent for example you must embody an urgency to use these gifts maximally to your full potential. Being consistent and developing your skills, or as Ecclesiastes 10:10 stresses "If you do not sharpen your ax(gift) it will be harder to use...".

This message as well as tells us all to renew our minds psychologically before the Lord, going back to 1 Peter 4, we are being called to renew our spiritual status also on a deeper level. How much time do you spend praying and thanking God. Or actively doing something or not doing something to please God? Do you even pray at all? These are all examples of question which are relatable to all children of God including I.

So where do we go from here you ask. Well WE GO FORWARD, and I would start by doing this. Trying to love others as much as you love yourself, aiding your relationship with other people, God, and the giftS you have; knocking(Blessing) three birds with one stone. Share the message so you can touch someone's heart as this message did yours. Peace.
Anthony. .
The tonytypes blog recently got over 1,000 view for which I am most appreciative full. Lets keep moving forward together peace. God Bless. Amen.
